Sunday, July 28, 2013

History of Jalalpur Jattan

Jalalpur Jattan is a town located in Gujrat District, Punjab, Pakistan. It is located at 32°38'0N 74°12'0E with an altitude of 232 metres (764 feet). The city was founded by a JATT named Jalal and Kula Chor, and a place in Jalalpur Jattan, was built by Chandragupta Maurya, an Indian ruler in 300 BC. Excavations in the area revealed that Kula Chor was the mint of the Maurya Dynasty. It is pertinent to mention that a new wave of people appeared in India in 12th century known as Kuchour tribe.
A local historian, Mansoor Behzad believed that Chandragupta had built a fort in Islam Garh, a suburban village of Jalalpur Jattan. The original name of the village could not be ascertained but the fort became famous as Islam Garh Fort with the passage of time. Only some deteriorated remains of the fort exists today. Later, the fort had been the mint of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, of Lahore, in 1832
An intelligent man named MIr Farhat-u-llah belongs to the JPJ ..He is M.S.C in chemicals and got the international gold medal.Another great man Mir Tajamal ex chairman of banking council and also the ex M.D of Punjab bank also belongs to the JPJ.A famous Pehlwan Rustame Hind Kaliya also belongs to the JPJ.
the town has its two degree collages,five high schools and many primary schools.
Wool and cotton clothe products of JPJ are famous all around the Pakistan.Power loom wass the biggest industry of JPJ

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